

Become an Executor and Run your own
cross-chain arbitrage AMM

How it works
A user enters their desired swap intent, registered directly on the t3rn protocol, allowing Executors to start the bidding process to execute the cross-chain swap.
Executors engage in a seamless, automated bidding process, each submitting their bid to provide users with cross-chain swap executions.
Executors engage in a seamless, automated bidding process, each submitting their bid to provide users with cross-chain swap executions
The best bid will execute the swap, once the cross-chain execution is finalised, the Executor receives the payment as well as rewards.

t3rn is building an expressive protocol for generalizable function calls across different chains – an ambitious undertaking that will unlock new behaviors for crypto builders and users.

Ben Perszyk, Partner at Polychain


Who are t3rn Executors?

Executors are key participants in the t3rn ecosystem who execute transactions on behalf of users, verify their execution on the target chain, and earn rewards for their services.

What is the role of an Executor in the t3rn ecosystem?

Executors are responsible for executing transactions, balancing their funds across multiple chains, and competing with other Executors to provide efficient fees for users. They generate yield by executing these transactions and verifying their execution on the target chain.

What incentives do Executors receive?

Executors earn rewards for executing transactions. These rewards are based on the value each executor has transferred cross-chain and the speed of confirmation. Additionally, having more liquidity available on the target chain they operate on is also incentivized.

How does the Execution Lifecycle work for Executors?

The Execution Lifecycle consists of three stages: Bidding, Execution, and Finalization. Executors bid for a specific Side Effect (SFX) they want to execute during the Bidding stage. The Execution stage involves the winning Executors executing the SFXs. The Finalization stage, relevant for escrowed side effects, is required to unlock the funds on the target.

What is the role of Attesters in relation to Executors?

Attesters are network participants who authorize unlock transactions in the target escrow contract. They are crucial for the finalization stage of the Execution Lifecycle, where they help unlock the funds from the escrow contract.

What kind of support do you offer for Executors?

We offer comprehensive documentation, community support, and direct assistance to help Executors understand and navigate the t3rn ecosystem effectively.


Who are t3rn Executors?

Executors are key participants in the t3rn ecosystem who execute transactions on behalf of users, verify their execution on the target chain, and earn rewards for their services.

What is the role of an Executor in the t3rn ecosystem?

Executors are responsible for executing transactions, balancing their funds across multiple chains, and competing with other Executors to provide efficient fees for users. They generate yield by executing these transactions and verifying their execution on the target chain.

What incentives do Executors receive?

Executors earn rewards for executing transactions. These rewards are based on the value each executor has transferred cross-chain and the speed of confirmation. Additionally, having more liquidity available on the target chain they operate on is also incentivized.

How does the Execution Lifecycle work for Executors?

The Execution Lifecycle consists of three stages: Bidding, Execution, and Finalization. Executors bid for a specific Side Effect (SFX) they want to execute during the Bidding stage. The Execution stage involves the winning Executors executing the SFXs. The Finalization stage, relevant for escrowed side effects, is required to unlock the funds on the target.

What is the role of Attesters in relation to Executors?

Attesters are network participants who authorize unlock transactions in the target escrow contract. They are crucial for the finalization stage of the Execution Lifecycle, where they help unlock the funds from the escrow contract.

What is a Side Effect (SFX)?

A Side Effect (SFX) is a single transaction on a target blockchain.

What risks should Executors be aware of?

Executors should be aware of risks such as reverted XTX, asset price changes, attester collusion (escrow only), and impossible side effects (escrow only). There's also a risk if an Executor does not confirm before the timeout, which triggers a re-execution.

What is an XTX?

An XTX is a cross-chain execution containing N side effects on an arbitrary number of different target chains. Each side effect belongs to a specific execution.

What is the vision of t3rn for Executors?

t3rn aims to create a multichain ecosystem where Executors play a critical role in enabling trust-free collaboration between blockchains. Executors can utilize and deploy interoperable smart contracts and are fairly rewarded for their contributions.

What kind of support do you offer for Executors?

We offer comprehensive documentation, community support, and direct assistance to help Executors understand and navigate the t3rn ecosystem effectively.

What is the release roadmap for t3rn Executors?

t3rn will be released in phases. The first release will connect t3rn to Kusama via an on-chain light client. The second release will include Attesters, enabling two-way message sending and escrow transactions. By then, the Eth2 light client will also be ready, enabling transactions to and from Ethereum.

Become an Executor

Submit your application to become an Executor. We're excited to
welcome you to our community.

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