How t3rn Pushes Interoperability with Arbitrum L3 Attestors

Jacob Kowalewski
May 8, 2024

t3rn introduces a solution to the intricate challenge of interoperability among blockchain networks, the platform facilitates seamless communication and interaction across various blockchains, enabling efficiency, enhanced security, and cost-effectiveness in cross-chain swapping and bridging. Through the utilization of the modular components of the t3rn stack, Arbitrum being a core example, which leverage distinct blockchains for functions such as storage, validation, settlement, and consensus, t3rn significantly augments the functionality and reliability of cross-chain transactions. 

About Arbitrum

Arbitrum stands out as a leading figure in the blockchain arena, renowned for its innovative solutions in scaling Ethereum's capabilities through L2s (layer 2) technologies. By offering a unique blend of optimism and zero-knowledge proofs, Arbitrum significantly reduces transaction fees, enhances throughput, and maintains a high degree of security and decentralization. It allows for the creation of Layer 2 (L2) chains that settle directly to Ethereum or Layer 3 (L3) chains that can settle to any Ethereum L2.

As Arbitrum continues to push the boundaries of blockchain scalability and interoperability, its evolution into the realm of L3s via its Orbit initiative, offers a permissionless pathway for launching customizable chains. Orbit empowers users to tailor numerous aspects of their chain, from throughput and privacy to governance and gas tokens, leveraging the advanced capabilities of Arbitrum Nitro for interactive fraud proofs, compression, and EVM+ compatibility. This initiative enables the creation of bespoke chains tailored to specific use cases and business needs, offering a unique blend of scalability, security, and control. Orbit chains, deployable as either Rollup or AnyTrust configurations, represent a new frontier in blockchain infrastructure, allowing for a more decentralized governance and enhanced capacity while directly benefiting from Ethereum's security.

How t3rn leverages Arbitrum’s L3

The linchpin of t3rn's work with Arbitrum lies in its strategic integration with Arbitrum’s L3 for deployment of the t3rn Attestors via the Orbit framework, a move that significantly augments the platform's functionality and reliability.

The Orbit framework serves as the architectural backbone of t3rn Attestors, facilitating the interaction between EVM-compatible chains. The t3rn Attestors, deployed to the Arbitrum L3, are specialized nodes responsible for verifying the accuracy and integrity of transactions across different blockchains. By employing these Attestors, t3rn ensures that every cross-chain operation adheres to the highest standards of security, reliability and cost efficiency.

Security and immutability are paramount to the functioning of the t3rn protocol. t3rn's implementation of Arbitrum L3 Attestors significantly amplifies these aspects by ensuring that every cross-chain transaction is thoroughly vetted and recorded. This level of security offers users safe and reliable cross-chain interactions and the ability to build and deploy dApps in a secure multichain environment. Attestors within the t3rn protocol, deployed on Arbitrum's L3, serve as an advanced and bonded off-chain entity. These Attestors commit their tokens as a form of security to authenticate new transactions. They compile finalized transactions, which are poised for release from Escrow Contracts, and generate a unified proof. This proof can then be forwarded to the Escrow Contracts by Executors, enabling the release of the locked funds.

Traditional or earlier generation bridges have historically operated through separate networks that depend on trusted entities to confirm the occurrence of an on-chain transaction, which in turn activates transactions on a secondary chain. The critical flaw in this system is the lack of bonding for these parties, elevating the potential for malicious activities, fraud, and unauthorized collusion.

Consequently, many bridges from previous generations have been limited to a small number of trusted entities due to the substantial financial resources required for signature verification. For instance, the Ronin bridge operates with merely nine validator nodes to acknowledge any deposits or withdrawals, with the risk of attack amplified because only a majority of 5 out of 9 validator signatures are needed to proceed.

In contrast, t3rn's Attestors are bonded, facing the possibility of losing their bond should they endorse incorrect signatures. A consensus of two-thirds is necessary for Attestors to confirm the accuracy of signatures. This innovative approach enhances security and integrity within the t3rn ecosystem, leveraging Arbitrum's L3 to mitigate risks and elevate trust in cross-chain transactions.

Intent-Based Execution and Economic Efficiency

One of the most innovative features of t3rn is its model for intent-based executions, facilitated through a competitive bidding process carried out by Executors on the t3rn network. Executors are network participants who bid for the opportunity to execute cross-chain transactions. This system not only democratizes the execution process but also drives down the cost, often to nominal or minuscule fees.

The intent-based execution model is designed with both efficiency and economic viability in mind. Executors, motivated by the potential for rewards, are incentivized to offer competitive bids, ensuring that transaction costs remain low for users. This model contrasts sharply with traditional transaction fee structures, which can be prohibitively expensive and unpredictable, particularly during periods of high network congestion. Moreover, the bidding process introduces a dynamic market mechanism into the execution of cross-chain transactions, where the interplay of supply and demand dictates the cost. This market-driven approach ensures that transaction fees are not only affordable but also reflect the true cost of execution based on current network conditions.

t3rn utilizes Arbitrum Orbit L3 to enhance the efficiency and affordability of transaction execution through a unique bidding system. This integration allows Executors to participate in a competitive marketplace where they can bid on intent-based orders. These orders specify the intent or outcome required by the users, without being tied to a specific execution path or method. The key advantage of using Arbitrum Orbit L3 lies in its scalability and reduced costs. As a Layer 3 solution, Arbitrum Orbit sits atop existing Layer 2 frameworks, inheriting security and decentralization while operating more cost-effectively. This layer efficiently handles computation off-chain, significantly lowering the fees associated with transactions, which is crucial for Executors looking to maximize their returns while minimizing overhead.

Executors, by engaging in this system, place bids indicating the price they are willing to accept to execute these transactions. This competitive mechanism ensures that transaction costs are driven down, as Executors strive to offer the most cost-effective solutions to win bids. The bidding process is transparent and fosters a fair marketplace where price and execution efficiency are paramount.

The Path Forward

t3rn's strategic integration with Arbitrum L3 Attestors via the Orbit framework represents a stride forward in the quest for seamless and secure cross-chain interoperability. By enhancing security, ensuring immutability, and introducing an innovative economic model for transaction execution, t3rn is setting standards for efficiency and reliability in the blockchain ecosystem.

This vision of a unified blockchain ecosystem, powered by platforms like t3rn and Arbitrum, holds the promise of unlocking unprecedented levels of collaboration, innovation, and value creation across the digital economy.

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About t3rn

t3rn has been created to offer a fresh approach to the problem of blockchain interoperability – the ability for blockchains to communicate and interact with one another. t3rn offers fast, secure and cost-efficient swapping, optimizing cross-chain executions by leveraging the modular layers of the t3rn stack for storage, validation, settlement and consensus.

t3rn is the modular interoperability layer, offering superior swapping for users and powerful modularity for builders.

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