t3rn Joins the Substrate Builders Program

Jacob Kowalewski
March 29, 2021

t3rn is thrilled to announce that we are now part of the Substrate Builders Program. 

This is an incredible step for the t3rn project as it  gives us access to the best possible tech support and assistance in developing t3rn into a pivotal part of the Polkadot ecosystem.

What is the Substrate Builders Program?

The Substrate Builders Program is a Parity initiative to support the most exciting projects developing on Substrate. 

In order to become a part of the Substrate Builders Program a project must present a minimum viable product or proof of concept built on Substrate, ideas without well-developed substance behind them are not the programs prerogative. A further requirement is an accountable roadmap for delivering a functioning product while on the program. t3rn was able to meet all of these expectations thanks to the support provided through Web3 Foundation grants, that allowed us to initially develop our proof of concept. 

The Substrate Builders Program provides all of the support that an ambitious project needs to fulfil its potential. Upon joining the program, t3rn will be provided guidance from dedicated program managers to help in four key aspects:

  • Technical support
  • Business development support
  • Marketing support
  • Funding support

The t3rn team will work directly with Substrate engineers and technical support team to build on the proof of concept that t3rn provided to the Web3 Foundation. Once the milestones are delivered, as per the roadmap provided by t3rn, the program will be able to provide media exposure, and connect t3rn with the over 70 projects who are already building on Substrate. 

This will be invaluable in helping t3rn hone meaningful partnerships with projects who can genuinely benefit from utilising our offering while providing true, tangible value to the t3rn ecosystem and all of its participants.

The program will also be pivotal in gaining organic traction and awareness that will propel t3rn to fulfilling its full potential in bringing composable interoperability to Polkadot and the wider blockchain space. 

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